This webinar, hosted by EDC and sponsored by the Public Health Leadership for Child Maltreatment Prevention Initiative, focuses on using data and surveillance for child maltreatment prevention. A well-developed surveillance system provides access to consistent information about the magnitude of child maltreatment, identifies at-risk children and families who would benefit from prevention programs, and measures change in outcomes.
This webinar will share:
• Efforts to track key child development indicators and enhance child maltreatment surveillance by state health departments
• New data on safe, stable and nurturing relationships in middle and early childhood and the connection to child maltreatment
Speakers include:
Jared Parrish, MS Former director of the Surveillance of Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN) Program Division of Public Health Alaska Department of Health and Human Services
Melissa Merrick, PhD Behavioral Scientist Division of Violence Prevention Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Rebecca Leeb, PhD Health Scientist Division of Human Development and Disability Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Below are links to the audio archive, the PowerPoint slides, and the articles discussed in this session.