National Action Plan for Child Injury Prevention - Webinar 2: Communication


About the webinar:

In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) released the National Action Plan for Child Injury Prevention (NAP). Based on the public health model, the NAP framework provides a vision which guides actions and explores the role of federal, state, local, public, and private partners in the prevention of childhood injury. This four part webinar series, brought to you by the Children's Safety Network (CSN) National Injury and Violence Prevention Resource Center and The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), will explore four of the NAP's domains: 1) Data and Surveillance, 2) Communication, 3) Education and 4) Policy. 

The second webinar in our series on the National Action Plan, on October 8, 2:00 - 3:00pm Eastern Time, featured Dr. Julie Gilchrist of the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC). Dr. Gilchrist provided a quick overview of the NAP and review the NAP's communication domain and its implications for local health departments. The next speaker was Tracy Mehan, Executive Director of the Child Injury Prevention Alliance which has a strong focus on communication about the NAP. Our final speaker, Diane Holm, Lee County Injury Prevention Coalition,  discussed local strategies, challenges and successes for addressing communication about child injury prevention in their community.

Learning Objectives:

During this webinar, participants will:

  • Increase understanding of the NAP and its recommendations around communications
  • Learn about resources available through CSN, Child Injury Prevention Alliance and the NCIPC
  • Learn about the challenges of developing effective communication strategies
  • Learn about a specific local communication strategies
CSN Webinar