Understanding Evidence for Child Maltreatment Prevention: A Demonstration of CDCs Interactive Tool to Support Evidence-Based Decision Making


Understanding Evidence is a new, interactive web resource developed by CDC's Division of Violence Prevention that supports public health practitioners in making evidence-informed decisions around violence prevention. The goal of evidence-based decision making is to bring a high standard of research evidence into the decision-making process while taking into account the contextual and experiential factors that influence decisions.

In this webinar, practitioners working to prevent child maltreatment will learn how to:

  • Define the multiple forms of evidence involved in evidence-based decision making
  • Identify standards of rigor for best available research evidence
  • Identify sources of and ways to collect best available research evidence, contextual evidence, and experiential evidence
  • Identify key stages and characteristics of an evidence-based decision making process 

This webinar will also provide real-world scenarios illustrating how child maltreatment prevention practitioners, coalitions, and evaluators can use the tool to strengthen practice and evaluation of violence prevention strategies.

The Speakers:

Sally Thigpen, MPA Health Scientist National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Natalie Wilkins, PhD Behavioral Scientist National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Sally Fogerty, Director, Children's Safety Network

Click here to view the full archived recording of this webinar

Click here for the PDF of the PowerPoint from this webinar

CSN Webinar