In 2013, fires and burns were the fourth leading cause of injury-related deaths to children ages 1-18 in the U.S. (WISQARS). Most of these deaths were caused by residential fires, although a working smoke detector can reduce by half the risk of dying in a home fire (NFPA). In addition, it is important to note that scald burns—burns caused by hot liquids or steam—are especially common among young children, while older children are more likely to be burned by direct contact with flames (CDC).
This resource guide provides links to organizations, programs, publications, and resources focused on fire and burn prevention. It is divided into eight sections: (1) organizations; (2) campaigns, programs, and toolkits; (3) legislation; (4) burns and scalds; (5) fire statistics and prevention; (6) fire setting; (7) resources for children; and (8) resources produced by CSN. Each item in this resource guide includes a short description and a link to the resource itself. Descriptions of reports, guides, toolkits, campaigns, websites, and initiatives are, in most cases, excerpted from the resources themselves while descriptions of research studies are excerpted from the study abstracts.