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Planning for Sustainability Across the Phases of Improvement
On Thursday, November 16, 2:00 – 3:00 PM ET, we discussed how to plan for sustainability across your portfolio of improvement from the earliest phases of your quality improvement process during this interactive STAW. Participants shared insights into their own sustainability planning, asked questions, and to considered new perspectives in their child safety work.
Our presenters will be:

Jess Goldberg, MSW, MPH, who is a training and technical assistance specialist with Education Development Center. For over a decade, Jess has specialized in building capacity to improve behavioral health at the national, state, regional and local levels. Her areas of expertise include preventing youth substance use; promoting cross-sector collaborations; addressing health disparities; strategic planning, logic model development, and sustainability planning. Jess holds an MSW and MPH from Boston University, and is a Certified Prevention Specialist.

Maria Katradis, Ph.D., who is a Senior Training and Technical Assistance Associate at CSN and the Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Topic Lead of the Child Safety Learning Collaborative. Maria has worked across three learning collaboratives with CSN, providing technical assistance to states across all phases of improvement to make data-informed decision decisions across their portfolios of improvement.