Child maltreatment (including sexual, physical and emotional abuse) and neglect are serious public health problems which can be prevented. These adverse childhood experiences, resulting in harm, the potential for harm, or threat of harm among children under the age of 18 can be perpetrated by a parent, caregiver, or another person in a custodial role (such as a religious leader, a coach, a teacher). According to the Centers for Disease Control, nearly 1,770 U. S. children died of abuse and neglect in 2018 and at least 1 in 7 children experienced abuse and neglect in the past year. In addition to the human suffering, child maltreatment is also costly in financial terms. The estimated total lifetime economic burden associated with child abuse and neglect in 2015 was approximately $428 billion (CDC, 2019). Because child abuse and neglect are believed to be the result of the interaction of individual, family and environmental factors, their prevention needs a comprehensive focus that cuts across key sectors of society, including public health, education, government, social services and justice. (CDC, 2016).
CSN has produced this resource guide to provide a list of resources for child maltreatment prevention to help state health departments expand and enhance their own child maltreatment prevention efforts. The resource guide is divided into five sections: Organizations; Data Sources, Data and Definitions; Policies, Laws and Legislation; Programs, Campaigns and Resources; and Publications.