CSN Webinars

resourceThis page displays all Children’s Safety Network’s (CSN) archived webinars. You may view the archived recordings or PowerPoint presentations as PDFs. For information or to register for upcoming events and webinars, see our Events.

South to Southwest (S2SW) Webinar Injury Prvtn Region Community of Practice: Florida Drowning Prevention - Jan 2014


This webinar, presented in January of 2012, provides an overview of Florida's drowning and drowning prevention data from 2006 until present.

Related Topics:
Drowning Prevention

Leveraging Hospitals to Stop the Cycle of Violence - Dec 2013


Please join the Children’s Safety Network for a webinar focused on hospital-based violence intervention programs. The National Network of Hospital-based Violence Intervention Programs (NNHVIP) is a network of 22 programs that strategically leverage hospital visits from violence-related injuries as…

Related Topics:

Delivering the Scientific Facts about Drug Abuse to Teens - Dec 2013


2014 marks the 4th annual National Drug Facts Week (NDFW), a health observance created by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to deliver the scientific facts to youth about the effects and consequences of drug abuse on the brain, body and behavior. More than 500 educational events and…

Related Topics:
Substance Misuse Prevention, Prescription Drug Misuse Abuse

National Action Plan for Child Injury Prevention - Webinar 3: Policy - Nov 2013


In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) released the National Action Plan for Child Injury Prevention (NAP). Based on the public health model, the NAP framework provides a vision which guides actions and explores the role of federal…

Related Topics:
Cross-Cutting Strategies

South to Southwest S2SW Webinar Suicide Prevention Basics and How to Get Started - Oct 2013


This South to Southwest (S2SW) Injury Prevention Network webinar held on October 23 was the next webinar in our series on Innovations in Policy and Practice for Preventing Injuries and Violence. This webinar provided the basics about suicide prevention. The first speaker, Smita Varia, of the…

Related Topics:
Suicide Prevention

Overview of the Opioid Addiction Epidemic - Oct 2013


"Overview of the Opioid Analgesic Epidemic" presented by Dr. Andrew Kolodny, Chief Medical Officer of Phoenix House, a nonprofit addiction treatment organization and he is President of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP). Dr Kolodny was previously the Chair of Psychiatry at…

Related Topics:
Prescription Drug Misuse Abuse

National Action Plan for Child Injury Prevention - Webinar 2: Communication - Oct 2013


About the webinar: In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) released the National Action Plan for Child Injury Prevention (NAP). Based on the public health model, the NAP framework provides a vision which guides actions and explores…

Related Topics:
Cross-Cutting Strategies

Motor Vehicle Safety during Pregnancy - Oct 2013


We discussed the implications of research on this issue, programs and legislation that address the prevention of motor vehicle injuries, and the continuing need for surveillance. Learning Objectives: Learn about the epidemiology of motor vehicle crashes during pregnancy Develop an understanding of…

Related Topics:
Motor Vehicle

The UNITY RoadMap: A Framework for Preventing Youth Violence - Sep 2013


Violence is preventable, and more U.S. cities are exploring public health approaches to create safe, thriving communities. Prevention Institute developed the UNITY RoadMap for cities to more effectively and sustainably prevent violence before it occurs. Grounded in partnerships and prevention…

Related Topics:

Little Magnets = Big Problem: Pediatric Magnet Ingestion - Sep 2013


Powerful, rare earth (neodymium) magnets can cause serious injury and death when ingested. The CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) has reported an estimated 1,700 ingestions of magnets that were treated in emergency departments between Jan. 1, 2009 and Dec. 31, 2011. These injuries are…

Related Topics:
Child Care Safety, Choking Strangulation

The National Action Plan for Child Injury Prevention - Webinar 1: Data and Surveillance - Sep 2013


In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) released the National Action Plan for Child Injury Prevention (NAP). Based on the public health model, the NAP framework provides a vision which guides actions and explores the role of federal…

Related Topics:
Cross-Cutting Strategies

Heatstroke Prevention: Spread the Word, Save a Life - Aug 2013


Heatstroke can happen anytime. Anywhere. We don’t want to see this happen to any family. Working together to spread the word can increase the chances of saving a life. The webinar will educate, inform and provide valuable resources that are available today and an overview on how to get started in…

Related Topics:
Child Passenger Safety, Heatstroke in Cars

South to Southwest S2SW Webinar Innovations in Injury and Violence Prevention: Integrating Falls Prevention into Healthcare Systems - Aug 2013


Addressing fall injuries in older adults is an important issue for public health, but with a lack of funding and staff dedicated to addressing the problem, many states find it difficult to make a significant impact. Join the South to Southwest Network on August 28 at 2:00 eastern time for a…

Related Topics:

Understanding Evidence for Child Maltreatment Prevention: A Demonstration of CDCs Interactive Tool to Support Evidence-Based Decision Making - Jul 2013


Understanding Evidence is a new, interactive web resource developed by CDC's Division of Violence Prevention that supports public health practitioners in making evidence-informed decisions around violence prevention. The goal of evidence-based decision making is to bring a high standard of research…

Related Topics:
Child Maltreatment

Preventing and Treating Traumatic Brain Injury in Young Children - Jun 2013


Featured Speakers Included:  Sally Fogerty, Director of the Children’s Safety Network National Injury and Violence Prevention Resource Center George Bahouth, D.Sc. Senior Research Scientist at the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE) and Director of the Children’s…

Related Topics:
Traumatic Brain Injuries

South to Southwest (S2SW) Webinar Innovations in Child Maltreatment Surveillance: Using Data to Move towards Prevention - May 2013


Innovations in Child Maltreatment Surveillance: Using Data to Move towards Prevention Child maltreatment, often referred to as abuse and neglect, is a significant public health problem, but understanding its full magnitude poses unique challenges. Available data on the incidence of child…

Related Topics:
Child Maltreatment

Law and Policy Issues in Reducing Firearm Violence Among Children and Teens: The Role of Public Health - May 2013


In light of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut, and current federal and state debates about firearm legislation, this webinar takes a look at laws and policies that are known to reduce levels of firearm-related injuries, whether those injuries were intentional or not. Jon S.…

Related Topics:
Firearm Safety

Insights from a National Epidemic: The Medicine Abuse Project - May 2013


This session will clearly illustrate the nature, extent and underlying attitudes/beliefs related to intentional medicine misuse and abuse behavior within the general population. It will identify proactive steps, resources and tools to effectively address the issue. Participants will understand the…

Related Topics:
Prescription Drug Misuse Abuse

South to Southwest S2SW Webinar Partner Highlight - Arkansas Department of Public Health - Apr 2013


This webinar in the series of South to Southwest Region Injury Control Network presentations was a partner highlight call focused on the injury prevention work of the Arkansas Department of Health. An overview of their mission and concrete examples from the field were presented by the…

Related Topics:
Cross-Cutting Strategies

Prescription Drug Abuse and Co-Occurring Psychological Disorders in Young Adults - Apr 2013


Description: Over the past 15 years the use and abuse of prescription drugs in adults has increased several fold: estimates of this rise based on treatment admissions were as high as 400% from 1998-2008. Since most substance addictions start between ages 18 and 25, young adults are at exceptional…

Related Topics:
Prescription Drug Misuse Abuse