CSN Webinars

resourceThis page displays all Children’s Safety Network’s (CSN) archived webinars. You may view the archived recordings or PowerPoint presentations as PDFs. For information or to register for upcoming events and webinars, see our Events.

State Technical Assistance Webinar 3 - June 2019 - Jun 2019


Thank you for joining us for a very engaging State Technical Assistance Webinar (STAW) on June 20th.   As your work continues to evolve, it’s good practice to revisit your partnerships not only to see who else you should invite to work with you but also to see how you can improve already…

State Technical Assistance Webinar 3 - June 2019 - Jun 2019


Thank you for joining us for a very engaging State Technical Assistance Webinar (STAW) on June 20th. As your work continues to evolve, it’s good practice to revisit your partnerships not only to see who else you should invite to work with you but also to see how you can improve already established…

Protecting Child Passengers, Now and Into the Future - May 2019


The first law protecting child passengers in motor vehicles was passed by Tennessee 41 years ago. Since that time, much has been learned about best practices and countermeasures that work to reduce death and injury among children on our roadways. While legislation, education, enforcement and…

Related Topics:
Child Passenger Safety

Infant Safe Sleep: An Introduction and Model Program - May 2019


Sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) occurs among approximately 3,500 babies in the US each year. SUID, the sudden and unexpected death of a baby less than 1 year old in which the cause was not obvious before investigation, includes sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), accidental suffocation…

Related Topics:
Safe Sleep

State Technical Assistance Webinar 2, April 18, 2019: Effective Communication Strategies, Formal Partnerships, and Leadership Engagement - Apr 2019


    Thank you for joining us on our State Technical Assistance Webinar (STAW) on April 18, 2019 from 1:00 – 2:30 PM. The STAW was an interactive discussion focused on effective communication strategies, formal partnerships, and leadership engagement at all levels.  We heard from two…

Traumatic Brain Injury among Children and Youth: Understanding TBI and One Model State Program - Feb 2019


Reports of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) among adults, particularly in professional sports, are often in the news. But what about TBIs among children and youth? In 2012, an estimated 329,290 children (age 19 or younger) were treated in emergency departments (EDs) for sports and recreation-…

Related Topics:
Falls, Motor Vehicle, Teen Driving Safety, Off Road Vehicles, Child Passenger Safety, Bike Safety, Pedestrian Safety, Playground Safety, Sports Safety, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Violence, Child Maltreatment, Teen Dating Violence

State Technical Assistance Webinar 1, January 17, 2019: Improving your Injury and Violence Prevention System: Connecting Programs, Processes, People and Data - Jan 2019


The STAWs are intended for a limited audience that includes all S/J level Title V agencies, including MCH and IVP Directors. Participating states and jurisdictions of the Child Safety Learning Collaborative are required to attend. Thank you for joining us on our State Technical Assistance Webinar (…

"Synthetic Marijuana:" What Is It, Why Is It Dangerous, and How Can We Prevent Youth from Using It? - Nov 2018


Synthetic cannabinoids, misleadingly called “synthetic marijuana” are human-made mind-altering chemicals that are either sprayed on dried, shredded plant material so they can be smoked or sold as liquids to be vaporized and inhaled in e-cigarettes and other devices. (1)  Also known as “K2,” “…

Related Topics:
Poison Prevention

Working “Upstream” to Prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) - Sep 2018


Professionals in many fields are working to address the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), which have been shown to increase risk for a wide range of problems. One of these adverse experiences is child abuse and/or neglect, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…

Related Topics:
Health Equity, Child Maltreatment

How Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Can Help Prevent Bullying - Aug 2018


This interactive webinar focused on the latest research on bullying among children and adolescents and explored strategies for using social and emotional learning (SEL) to prevent bullying. Social and emotional learning helps children and adolescents to manage their emotions, empathize with others…

Related Topics:
Bullying Prevention

The Child Safety Learning Collaborative and How to Apply - Aug 2018


  Stay tuned for more information about Cohort 2 of the CSLC in early 2020!  

Related Topics:
Cross-Cutting Strategies

Resources and Strategies from the Child Safety Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network - May 2018


The Children’s Safety Network shared resources and strategies developed during two cohorts of the Child Safety Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network (CoIIN) and provided an overview of the methods used throughout the CoIIN. We discussed the Child Safety CoIIN change packages, which…

Related Topics:
Cross-Cutting Strategies

Reducing the Risks to Child Pedestrians - Apr 2018


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that there was a nine percent increase in pedestrian fatalities from 2015 to 2016. (1) A recent report from the Governors Highway Safety Association states that “Pedestrians now account for a larger proportion of traffic fatalities than…

Related Topics:
Pedestrian Safety

Public Health Approaches to Addressing Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome - Mar 2018


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) is a drug withdrawal syndrome that most commonly occurs in infants after in utero exposure to opioids, although other substances have also been associated with the syndrome.” (1)  An average…

Related Topics:
Substance Misuse Prevention

Keeping Children 8-14 Years Old Safe as Motor Vehicle Occupants - Dec 2017


In 2015, 146 U. S. children ages 8-14 died as motor vehicle occupants. (1) This webinar will focus on children ages 8-14 and their use (or nonuse) of vehicle restraints. Many educators find this audience hard to reach and, in fact, child passenger safety and teen driver safety programs often miss…

Related Topics:
Child Passenger Safety

Successful Strategies for Preventing Fire and Burn-Related Injuries among Children - Aug 2017


Due largely to an increase in public fire education and prevention efforts, including the use of smoke alarms and sprinkler systems, fewer children die in fires today compared to 10 years ago. (1,2) Among children and youth ages 0 – 24, those ages 1 – 4 are at highest risk of fire and burn- related…

Related Topics:
Fire Burn Safety

Why Drownings Are a Leading Cause of Death among Children - Jun 2017


Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death for children ages 1 to 14 (1), and children account for 1 in 4 drowning deaths. (1) There are significant racial/ethnic disparities in drowning rates. For example, African American children and youth ages 5–19 are 5.5 times more…

Related Topics:
Drowning Prevention, Health Equity

Distracted Driving among Teens: What We Know about It and How to Prevent It - May 2017


Each day in the United States, more than 9 people are killed and over 1,000 are injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver. (1) The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that  in 2015 “Teens were the largest age group reported as distracted at…

Related Topics:
Teen Driving Safety, Child Passenger Safety

Using Quality Improvement to Prevent Childhood Injuries: Strategies from the Child Safety Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network - May 2017


The Child Safety Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network (CS CoIIN) uses continuous quality improvement, shared metrics, and real-time data to enable states and jurisdictions to implement and spread evidence-based child safety practices and programs. This webinar explained the purpose and…

Related Topics:
Cross-Cutting Strategies

Essentials for Childhood: Creating the Context for Healthy Children and Families Through Policies and Partnerships | ASTHO and CDC Webinar Series - Jan 2017


1st Date: January 17, 2017, 1-2pm ET Meeting Room: http://astho.adobeconnect.com/efc/ Audio: 866-740-1260;  3185412#  Join ASTHO and CDC for the first webinar in a two part series to learn more about CDC's Essentials for Childhood framework and to hear from Boulder County Department…

Related Topics:
Child Maltreatment